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Climate Watch offers open data, visualizations and analysis to help policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders gather insights on countries' climate progress.
Countries are expected to submit new NDCs by early 2025. Track submissions here and learn about the benefits of strong new NDCs.
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP21 in Paris, December 2015, and entered into force on 4 November 2016. Its goal is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to preindustrial levels.
Explore overviews of key commitments by countries related to the Paris Agreement:
The Paris Agreement requires countries to submit more ambitious climate commitments every five years. In every five-year cycle, countries submit documents called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). These documents communicate the targets and actions they will take to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change, typically within the next 10 years.
Explore and compare the content of countries’ NDCs and track future submissions:
The Paris Agreement invites countries to submit long-term low greenhouse gas emissions development strategies (LTS). These documents typically target the mid-century (2050) timeframe, presenting long-term targets and pathways for achieving them.
Explore the content of LTS and compare them with NDCs:
To achieve the goal of the Paris Agreement, emissions must reach net-zero early in the second half of the century. A growing number of Parties to the Paris Agreement are adopting net-zero emissions targets in line with this goal.
Explore countries’ net-zero targets:
Human-caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions drive climate change. Understanding historical trends and sources of emissions can inform targeted climate actions.
Visualize and download over 160 years of data on the GHG emissions of 196 countries:
Gain insights by country on historical and target emissions, national climate commitments, climate vulnerability and readiness, and linkages between climate and sustainable development goals.
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are countries’ commitments under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. To date, 192 countries submitted NDCs, covering 96% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Explore NDCs by searching for key terms, and analyze and compare them using over 150 structured indicators.
Achieving the goals in the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires an integrated approach. Our research shows that climate actions in NDCs align with at least 154 of the 169 targets of the SDGs, demonstrating the enormous potential for this integration.
Explore alignments between between countries’ NDCs and the sustainable development goals.
Sixty percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2014 came from just 10 countries, while the 100 least-emitting countries contributed less than 3 percent.
Visualize and download over 160 years of data on the GHG emissions of 196 countries and the EU.
Where are global emissions and global temperatures headed? That all depends on the paths we take.
Draw insights into the potential emissions and economic pathways of countries, regions and sectors by exploring 30 scenarios developed by modeling teams from around the world.
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